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IceLines - Sentinel-1 - Antarctica

IceLines (Ice Shelf and Glacier Front Time Series) is an automated calving front monitoring service providing monthly ice shelf front time series of major Antarctic ice shelves. The provided time series allows to discover the dynamics of ice shelf front changes and calving events. The front positions are automatically derived from Sentinel-1 data based on a deep neuronal network called HED-U-Net. The time series covers the timespan 2014 to today (partly limited due to Sentinel-1 data availability). Incorrectly extracted fronts are truncated which might lead to gaps in the time series especially between December to March due to strong surface melt. Annual averages are calculated based on the extracted monthly fronts (excluding the summer months) and provide more robust results due to temporal aggregation.
Suggested Data Citation
German Aerospace Center (DLR) (2022): IceLines – Ice Shelf and Glacier Front Time Series, DOI: 10.15489/btc4qu75gr92
Yellow dots or areas indicate coverage range.
Geographic Boundaries
North: -60°
West: -180°
East: 180°
South: -90°
Time Period
Start date: 2014-12-01
End date: Present
More Information
Keywords: IceLines, Antarctica, Landcover, Sentinel-1, time-series, yearly, monthly, quarterly, daily, opendata
Contact: geoservice@dlr.de
Access / Use Restriction: license
Data Use Guidelines Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Mission / Project Information
IceLines product information (conference poster/pdf) https://elib.dlr.de/141526/1/2021-03-19_UKAntarcticConference-IceLines_CB.pdf
Information on the IceLines product (poster/pdf)
IceLines video https://play.quickchannel.com/play/kjjjzyu
Video showcasing the IceLines product
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15489/btc4qu75gr92
Digital Object Identifier
Downloading Data
HTTP download (IceLines) https://download.geoservice.dlr.de/icelines/files/
HTTP download
Data Visualization Service
EOC Geoservice Map Context (eoc:icelines) https://geoservice.dlr.de/web/maps/eoc:icelines
EOC Geoservice Map Context
WMS access: IceLines - Yearly https://geoservice.dlr.de/eoc/land/wms?
WMS access: IceLines - Monthly https://geoservice.dlr.de/eoc/land/wms?
WMS access: IceLines - Shelfnames https://geoservice.dlr.de/eoc/land/wms?