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EnMAP HSI - Level 0 / Quicklook Images - Global

The Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) is a German hyperspectral satellite mission to monitoring and characterise Earth’s environment on a global scale. EnMAP measures and models key dynamic processes of Earth’s ecosystems by extracting geochemical, biochemical and biophysical parameters that provide information on the status and evolution of various terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The mission’s main objective is to study and decipher coupled environmental processes and to assist and promote the sustainable management of Earth’s resources. This collection includes Level 0 quicklook images of the mission. For more information, please see the mission website: https://www.enmap.org/
Suggested Data Citation
Data: EnMAP data ©DLR [year of acquisition] All rights reserved. Derivate products: Contains modified EnMAP data ©DLR [year of acquisition]. https://doi.org/10.15489/rlyibn8gjc58
Yellow dots or areas indicate coverage range.
Geographic Boundaries
North: 90.00°
West: 180.00°
East: 180.00°
South: 90.00°
Time Period
Start date: 2022-04-27
End date: Present
More Information
Keywords: DLR, EOC, EnMAP, HSI, Global, hyperspectral, quicklooks, Level 0
Access / Use Restriction: Restricted - for information on data access, please see: https://www.enmap.org/data_access/
Data Use Guidelines EnMAP Data License (pdf)
Mission / Project Information
Website of the EnMAP mission (html) https://www.enmap.org/
Website of the EnMAP mission (html)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15489/rlyibn8gjc58
Digital Object Identifier
Product Search / Ordering
Product Catalogue (STAC): EnMAP L0 HSI Quicklook Images https://geoservice.dlr.de/eoc/ogc/stac/v1/collections/ENMAP_HSI_L0_QL
EnMAP L0 HSI Quicklook Products
EOWEB GeoPortal: EnMAP HSI L0 Products https://geoservice.dlr.de/egp/main?ecswCollection=urn%3Aeop%3ADLR%3AEOWEB%3AENMAP.HSI.L0
EnMAP L0 HSI Products
Downloading Data
HTTP download (EnMAP HSI Quicklook Images) https://download.geoservice.dlr.de/ENMAP/files/
HTTP download
Data Visualization Service
EOC Geoservice Map Context (enmap:l0) https://geoservice.dlr.de/web/maps/enmap:l0
EOC Geoservice Map Context
WMS access: EnMAP HSI L0 Quicklooks VNIR https://geoservice.dlr.de/eoc/imagery/wms?
WMS access: EnMAP HSI L0 Quicklooks SWIR https://geoservice.dlr.de/eoc/imagery/wms?
WMS access: EnMAP HSI L0 Quicklooks Quality Snow https://geoservice.dlr.de/eoc/imagery/wms?
WMS access: EnMAP HSI L0 Quicklooks Quality Haze https://geoservice.dlr.de/eoc/imagery/wms?
WMS access: EnMAP HSI L0 Quicklooks Quality Cloudshadow https://geoservice.dlr.de/eoc/imagery/wms?
WMS access: EnMAP HSI L0 Quicklooks Quality Cloud https://geoservice.dlr.de/eoc/imagery/wms?
WMS access: EnMAP HSI L0 Quicklooks Quality Classes https://geoservice.dlr.de/eoc/imagery/wms?
WMS access: EnMAP HSI L0 Quicklooks Quality Cirrus https://geoservice.dlr.de/eoc/imagery/wms?