S5P_DLR_NRTI_01_040201_L3_O3_20240913 json
- Platform: Sentinel-5P
- Serial: A
- Instrument: TROPOMI
- Composite Type: P1D
- Sensor Type: ATMOSPHERIC
- Spatial: -180, -90, 180, 90
- Temporal: 2024-09-13T00:00:00Z / none
- Parent Identifier: S5P_TROPOMI_L3_P1D_O3
- Crs: 4326
- Created: Sep 13, 2024, 6:00:49 AM
- Updated: Sep 14, 2024, 6:00:56 AM
- Processing Center: Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF)
- Processing Level: L3
- Processor Name: UMAS
- Processor Version: 4.2.1
- Constellation: Sentinel-5P
- Instruments: TROPOMI
- License: CC-BY 4.0
- Platform: Sentinel 5 Precursor
- [PROCESSING] Facility: Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF)
- [PROCESSING] Level: L3
- [PROCESSING] Software: UMAS: 4.2.1
- [PROJ] Bbox: -180 | -90 | 180 | 90
- [PROJ] Epsg: 4326
- [PROJ] Shape: 1800 | 3600
- [S5P] Collection Identifier: 01
- [S5P] Datasource: Sentinel-5P, TROPOMI, space-borne remote sensing
- [S5P] Head Facility: German Aerospace Center (DLR)
- [S5P] L2 Algorithm Version: UPAS-O3-DOAS_CAL-5.1.0
- [S5P] Processing Mode: NRTI
- [S5P] Product Name: o3
- [S5P] South Pole Ozone Hole Area: 15760727
- [S5P] South Pole Ozone Hole Area Unit: km2
- [S5P] Spatial Resolution: 5.5 x 3.5 km2
Properties: Download
- Key: data
- Title: Metadata
- Type: application/netcdf
- Roles: metadata
- Description: Original S5P "O3" NetCDF File. Can also be loaded as data file and contains important metadata information.
- Link: https://download.geoservice.dlr.de/S5P_TROPOMI/files/L3/2024/09/13/S5P_DLR_NRTI_01_040201_L3_O3_20240913.nc
Properties: Download
- Key: overview
- Title: Overview
- Type: image/tiff; application=geotiff; profile=cloud-optimized
- Roles: overview
- Description: Full-resolution overview as Cloud-Optimized GeoTiff of the "ozone_total_column" variable.
- Link: https://download.geoservice.dlr.de/S5P_TROPOMI/files/L3/2024/09/13/S5P_DLR_NRTI_01_040201_L3_O3_20240913_overview.tif
Properties: Download
- Key: o3
- Title: O3
- Type: image/tiff; application=geotiff; profile=cloud-optimized
- Roles: data
- Description: TROPOMI/S5P L3 data of ozone total column with a global coverage and a 5.5 x 3.5 km2 spatial resolution.
- Link: https://download.geoservice.dlr.de/S5P_TROPOMI/files/L3/2024/09/13/S5P_DLR_NRTI_01_040201_L3_O3_20240913_o3.tif
Raster Bands:
- Data Type: float32
- Scale: 1
- Offset: 0
- Sampling: area
- Nodata: 9969209968386869000000000000000000000
- Unit: DU
- Statistics:
- Mean: 293.8203
- Minimum: 169.6866
- Maximum: 462.4966
- Stddev: 47.451
- Valid Percent: 96.1477
- Histogram:
- Count: 11
- Min: 169.6866
- Max: 462.4966
- Buckets: 14674
Properties: Download
- Key: thumbnail
- Title: Thumbnail
- Type: image/png
- Roles: thumbnail
- Description: Thumbnail of the "ozone_total_column" variable.
- Link: https://download.geoservice.dlr.de/S5P_TROPOMI/files/L3/2024/09/13/S5P_DLR_NRTI_01_040201_L3_O3_20240913_thumbnail.png
Properties: Download
- Key: quicklook
- Title: Quicklook
- Type: image/png
- Roles: quicklook
- Description: High-resolution quicklook of the "ozone_total_column" variable.
- Link: https://download.geoservice.dlr.de/S5P_TROPOMI/files/L3/2024/09/13/S5P_DLR_NRTI_01_040201_L3_O3_20240913.png