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Welcome to the EOC Geoservice

The EOC Geoservice provides discovery, visualization, and direct download services for a selection of the geospatial datasets provided by the Earth Observation Center (EOC) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). See the About page for details.

Latest Datasets

SoilSuite – Sentinel-2 – Europe, 5 year composite (2018-2022)


Alpine Glacier Crevasses - Stubai, Oetztal, Grossglockner, Ortler, Piz Palue


CropTypes - Crop Type Maps for Germany - Yearly, 10m


Road Traffic Noise - Germany, 2017


EnMAP HSI - SpectralEarth – non-georeferenced – Global


Latest News and Announcement

The hyperspectral DESIS L2A STAC collection [1] is now accessible using the EOC Geoservice STAC endpoint [2] and can be downloaded directly from the EOC Download Service [3]. It expands the accessibility of DESIS data with a standardized L2A dataset particularly for users of Big Data or time series analysis. The DESIS Level 2A collection is listed by CEOS as Analysis Ready Data (ARD) [4]. The DESIS L2A STAC collection contains systematically processed bottom of atmosphere reflectance data generated using an algorithm for the atmospheric correction of DESIS data over land surfaces using the PACO code [5]. The spaceborne hyperspectral DESIS mission [6] provides hyperspectral data with reflectance values between 400nm and 1000nm with a spatial resolution of about 30 m and it is provided in cloud-optimized GeoTIFF format for direct access and download. In this collection, data has been spectrally binned by factor 4. Data with the original spectral resolution of 2.55 nm is available via the EOWEB portal [7]. The dataset is provided in cloud-optimized GeoTIFF format for direct access and download.