The EOC Geoservice provides discovery, visualization, and direct download services for a selection of the geospatial datasets provided by the Earth Observation Center (EOC) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). See the About page for details.
Nov 21, 2024
New data sets from earth observation show the diversity and utilisation of agricultural land [1]. This raster dataset depicts the main type of crop grown on each field in Germany each year. Crop types and crop rotation are of great economic importance and have a strong influence on the functions of arable land and ecology.
Based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series as well as LPIS data from some Federal States of Germany, 18 different crops or crop groups were mapped per pixel with 10 m resolution for Germany on an annual basis since 2018.
A full description of the method and results can be found in the publication [2].
The datasets will also be available for download soon.