TanDEM-X (TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurements) is an Earth observation radar mission that consists of a SAR interferometer built by two almost identical satellites flying in close formation. With a typical separation between the satellites of 120 m to 500 m a global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has been generated.
The TanDEM-X 30m EDEM is a product variant of the global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) acquired in the frame of the German TanDEM-X mission between 2010 and 2014, and has a reduced pixel spacing of 1 arcseconds (arsec), which corresponds to 30m at the equator. An automated edition was developed by the Microwaves and Radar Institute at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) to have a full and clean coverage of all Earth’s landmasses from pole to pole.
Product Information:
Data Information:
DLR © 2023
Between 2016 and 2022, the TanDEM-X mission acquired an additional complete coverage of the Earth's landmass to deliver a temporally independent coverage within a well-defined time span. These new acquisitions not only provide more up-to-date elevation information, but also a great dataset to show the changes that have occurred during the years separating this new coverage from the coverages acquired to generate the TanDEM-X global DEM (between 2011 and 2014). This product - the TanDEM-X DEM Change Maps - is available in 30m posting and show the changes between the edited first global TanDEM-X DEM (TanDEM-X 30m Edited DEM) and the newly acquired time-tagged DEM scenes. In order to keep a unique timestamp, two change maps are available per tile: one with the change to the oldest pixel in the new dataset - the first DEM change, and another with the change to the newest pixel of the new dataset - the last DEM change. The two maps differ only when there are multiple coverages.
Users must be aware that a given elevation change measured in the DEM change maps corresponds to a topographic change with respect to TanDEM-X 30m EDEM, but cannot be associated with a corresponding physical height change of the same magnitude. This is due to the fact that the global TanDEM-X DEM reflects an averaged elevation derived from the combination of different images, acquired over a period of several years but also because the radar waves penetrates differently in the surface depending on the attributes of the land cover. This is especially important over vegetated and snow-covered regions.
Product Information:
Data Information:
DLR © 2023
TanDEM-X (TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurements) is an Earth observation radar mission that consists of a SAR interferometer built by two almost identical satellites flying in close formation. With a typical separation between the satellites of 120 m to 500 m a global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has been generated.
The TanDEM-X 90m DEM is a product variant of the global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) acquired in the frame of the German TanDEM-X mission between 2010 and 2014, and has a reduced pixel spacing of 3 arcseconds (arsec), which corresponds to 90m at the equator. It covers all Earth’s landmasses from pole to pole.
This map shows all 8 original TanDEM-X Information Layers as specified in the Product Specification:
The TanDEM-X PolarDEM is a project developed by the German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) within the activities of the TanDEM-X mission. It is a framework for the provision of derivatives of the global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the TanDEM-X mission for Polar Regions. The current version of the global TanDEM-X DEM represents an unedited surface model that still contains noisy or void DEM values, some data gaps and a compilation of several acquisition campaigns performed at different times. The derivatives currently include the edited DEM product described below and will be supplemented with single year coverages and penetration bias corrected DEMs in the future.
TanDEM-X PolarDEM 90m of Antarctica: This is a gap-free and edited version of the TanDEM-X 90m DEM. The TanDEM-X PolarDEM 90m of Antarctica is provided in Antarctic Polar Stereographic projection (EPSG:3031) with a pixel spacing of 90 meters. The DEM elevation values represent the ellipsoidal heights relative to the WGS84 ellipsoid. The majority of the data were acquired between April 2013 to September 2014. The TanDEM-X PolarDEM 90m of Antarctica is split into 4 tiles. TanDEM-X PolarDEM High Resolution Coastline of Antarctica: This is a by-product to the DEM-editing process of the TanDEM-X PolarDEM of Antarctica in the original 12 m representation. It is provided as one polygon in shapefile-format. Every point of this polygon is given in Antarctic Polar Stereographic projection (EPSG:3031) with varying point distances with a minimum span of 10 meters.
For further information, please consult the PolarDEM Product Description.
TanDEM-X PolarDEM Antarctica: EOC Download Service (via GUI)
TanDEM-X High Resolution Coastline Antarctica: EOC Download Service (file-based)
The TanDEM-X Forest/Non-Forest Map is a project developed by the Microwaves and Radar Institute at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), within the activities of the TanDEM-X mission. The goal is the derivation of a global forest/non-forest classification mosaic from TanDEM-X bistatic interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data, acquired for the generation of the global digital elevation model (DEM) in Stripmap single polarization (HH) mode.
The TanDEM-X Forest/Non-Forest Map (FNF) has been generated by processing and mosaicking more than 500,000 TanDEM-X bistatic images acquired from 2011 until 2015. The map has a spatial resolution of 50 m x 50 m. Forested and non-forested areas are depicted in green and white, respectively. Water bodies are depicted in blue and black is used for identifying urban areas and invalid pixels.
For further information, please consult the FNF50 Product Specification.
License for the utilization of the TanDEM-X 50m FNF for Scientific Use (eng)
Lizenz für die Nutzung der TanDEM-X 50m Waldkarte für wissenschaftliche Zwecke (de)
This map contains elevation products at a spatial resolution of approximately 25 m x 25 m covering the globe between latitudes 60� North and 58� South. These products were generated from data collected by the German-Italian interferometric X-band radar system (X-SAR) onboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour during the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) between February 11 and February 22, 2000. The data have been processed into digital elevation models using radar interferometry, an innovative way for extracting surface height from the phase difference between two synthetic aperture radar datasets - a procedure somewhat resembling stereo viewing. The original tiled elevation products have been mosaicked into a single global elevation layer from which additional products have been derived. Shaded reliefs in grayscale and with color-coded elevation values provide a 3D impression of the global topography while a global error map, derived mainly from phase and baseline stability, helps to assess the relative accuracy of the measured elevation values.
The Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) is a German hyperspectral satellite mission that aims at monitoring and characterising the Earth's environment on a global scale. EnMAP serves to measure and model key dynamic processes of the Earth's ecosystems by extracting geochemical, biochemical and biophysical parameters, which provide information on the status and evolution of various terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This collection includes Level 0 quicklook images of the mission. For more information, please see the mission website: https://www.enmap.org/mission/
Product Catalogue (STAC): https://geoservice.dlr.de/eoc/ogc/stac/collections/ENMAP_HSI_L0_QL
Download: HTTP download via EOC Download Service
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.15489/rlyibn8gjc58
License: https://geoservice.dlr.de/resources/licenses/enmap/EnMAP-Data_License_v1_1.pdf
The product is automatically derived from Aqua/Terra (MODIS) satellite imagery in near-real time. It is an incremental product, meaning that the retrieved results are updated as soon as new input data becomes available over a timespan of ten days. Besides the fire perimeter and detection time, each feature contains information about the severity of the burning.
General information:
Related datasets:
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC 4.0)
The product is automatically derived from Sentinel-3 (OLCI) satellite imagery in near-real time. It is an incremental product, meaning that the retrieved results are updated as soon as new input data becomes available over a timespan of ten days. Besides the fire perimeter, and detection time each feature contains information about the severity of the burning.
General information:
Related datasets:
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC 4.0)
This data set represents the monthly, accumulated results of the final (10-day) version of the fire perimeters from the "Burnt Area Daily NRT Incremental Product - Europe, Sentinel-3" dataset. The burn perimeters are spatially and temporally correlated, so that interrelated detections from consecutive observations are combined into a single feature. A perimeter is interpreted as belonging to a given event if a spatial overlap exists within a time frame of 15 days. Besides the geometry, attribute information is also combined while considering the size of the perimeter as a weighting factor. Each feature contains information about the final fire perimeter, Date/Time of the first detection, and the averaged burn severity.
General information:
Related datasets:
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC 4.0)
This data set represents the yearly, accumulated results of the final (10-day) version of the fire perimeters from the "Burnt Area Daily NRT Incremental Product - Europe, Sentinel-3" dataset. The burn perimeters are spatially and temporally correlated, so that interrelated detections from consecutive observations are combined into a single feature. A perimeter is interpreted as belonging to a given event if a spatial overlap exists within a time frame of 15 days. Besides the geometry, attribute information is also combined while considering the size of the perimeter as a weighting factor. Each feature contains information about the final fire perimeter, Date/Time of the first detection, and the averaged burn severity.
General information:
Related datasets:
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC 4.0)
This raster dataset shows the main type of crop grown on each field in Germany each year. Crop types and crop rotation are of great economic importance and have a strong influence on the functions of arable land and ecology. Information on the crops grown is therefore important for many environmental and agricultural policy issues. With the help of satellite remote sensing, the crops grown can be recorded uniformly for whole Germany. Based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series as well as LPIS data from some Federal States of Germany, 18 different crops or crop groups were mapped per pixel with 10 m resolution for Germany on an annual basis since 2018. These data sets enable a comparison of arable land use between years and the derivation of crop rotations on individual fields. More details and the underlying (in the meantime slightly updated) methodology can be found in Asam et al. 2022.
Product Information:
Data Information:
Data Access:
DLR © 2024
This map shows daily products of different trace gases measured by the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) which was launched on board EUMETSAT's Meteorological Operational Satellites (MetOp-A, -B and -C) in October 2006, September 2012, and November 2018, respectively. A wide range of atmospheric trace constituents are measured, with the emphasis on global ozone distributions. Furthermore cloud properties and intensities of ultraviolet radiation are retrieved. DLR generates operational GOME-2/MetOp Level 2 products in the framework of EUMETSAT's Satellite Application Facility on Atmospheric Composition Monitoring (AC SAF).
The TROPOMI instrument aboard the SENTINEL-5P space craft is a nadir-viewing, imaging spectrometer covering wavelength bands between the ultraviolet and the shortwave infra-red. TROPOMI's purpose is to measure atmospheric properties and constituents. It is contributing to monitoring air quality and providing critical information to services and decision makers.
The instrument uses passive remote sensing techniques by measuring the Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) solar radiation reflected by and radiated from the earth and its atmosphere. The four spectrometers of TROPOMI cover the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), Near Infra-Red (NIR) and Short Wavelength Infra-Red (SWIR) domains of the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing operational retrieval of the following trace gas constituents: Ozone (O3), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Formaldehyde (HCHO), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Methane (CH4).
Local equator crossing time of the ascending node is 13:30. Daily observations are binned onto a regular latitude-longitude grid.
Within INPULS, innovative algorithms and processors for the generation of Level 3 and Level 4 products, improved data discovery and access technologies as well as server-side analytics for the users are developed.
Sensor: TROPOMI/Sentinel-5P
Period: February 2018 - ongoing
Coverage: Global
Horizontal resolution: 0.09 degrees x 0.09 degrees
Attention: Since 01.08.2023, the S5P L3 data has been generated with the new UMAS: 4.1.0 processor. Therefore, only this data is available in the WMS. The "old" data are still available in the download service until July 31, 2023. From 01.08.2023 the new data is available.
Attribution: These products are an outcome of the INPULS project (Innovative Produktenwicklung zur Analyse der Atmosphaerenzusammensetzung), funded by DLR Programmatik Raumfahrtforschung und -technologie. Data is generated and distributed by DLR under the CC-BY 4.0 license. Products contain processed and modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2018-ongoing).
Data Access:
The TROPOMI instrument aboard the SENTINEL-5P space craft is a nadir-viewing, imaging spectrometer covering wavelength bands between the ultraviolet and the shortwave infra-red. TROPOMI's purpose is to measure atmospheric properties and constituents such as NO22. It is contributing to monitoring air quality and providing critical information to services and decision makers.
The instrument uses passive remote sensing techniques by measuring the Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) solar radiation reflected by and radiated from the earth and its atmosphere. The four spectrometers of TROPOMI cover the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), Near Infra-Red (NIR) and Short Wavelength Infra-Red (SWIR) domains of the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing operational retrieval of a number of trace gas constituents.
Local equator crossing time of the ascending node is 13:30. Daily NO2 observations are used for assimilation into the POLYPHEMUS/DLR air quality model.
POLYPHEMUS/DLR is a state-of-the-art air quality model taking into consideration
These Level 4 air quality products (surface NO2 at 15:00 UTC) which are based on innovative algorithms, processors and data assimilation are operationally processed and disseminated in the framework of the INPULS project.
Sensor: TROPOMI/Sentinel-5P
Processor: POLYPHEMUS/DLR Air Quality Model
Period: January 2023 - ongoing
Horizontal resolution: 0.09 degrees x 0.06 degrees
Attribution: These products are an outcome of the INPULS project (Innovative Produktenwicklung zur Analyse der Atmosphaerenzusammensetzung), funded by DLR Programmatik Raumfahrtforschung und -technologie. Data is generated and distributed by DLR under the CC-BY 4.0 license. Products contain processed and modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2023-ongoing).
Data Access:
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is a key instrument aboard the American satellites Terra and Aqua. The MODIS-EU image mosaic is a seamless true color composite of all Terra and Aqua passes received at DLR during one day. Daily and Near Real Time (NRT) products are available. For the composite, MODIS channels 1, 4, 3 are used. The channels are re-projected, radiometrically enhanced, and seamlessly stitched to obtain a visually appealing result.
Terra passes from north to south across the equator in the morning, while Aqua passes the equator south to north in the afternoon. Both MODIS instruments are viewing the entire Earth surface every 1 to 2 days, acquiring data in 36 spectral bands. These data will improve our understanding of global dynamics and processes occurring on the land, in the oceans, and in the lower atmosphere. MODIS is playing a vital role in the development of validated, global, interactive Earth system models able to predict global change accurately enough to assist policy makers in making sound decisions concerning the protection of our environment.
MODIS (or Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) is a key instrument aboard the Terra (EOS AM) and Aqua (EOS PM) satellites. Terra's orbit around the Earth is timed so that it passes from north to south across the equator in the morning, while Aqua passes south to north over the equator in the afternoon. Terra MODIS and Aqua MODIS are viewing the entire Earth's surface every 1 to 2 days, acquiring data in 36 spectral bands, or groups of wavelengths (see MODIS Technical Specifications). These data will improve our understanding of global dynamics and processes occurring on the land, in the oceans, and in the lower atmosphere. MODIS is playing a vital role in the development of validated, global, interactive Earth system models able to predict global change accurately enough to assist policy makers in making sound decisions concerning the protection of our environment (from http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/).
This mosaic has been generated from TERRA and AQUA products between 30 Sept. to 03 Oct. 2011
The MODIS data used in this product were obtained through the online Data Pool at the NASA Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), USGS/Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota (https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/get_data).
DLR's Earth Observation Centre produces and distributes Sentinel 2 Level 2A data over Germany, corrected for atmospheric effects thanks to the MAJA software developed in coordination between CNES/CESBIO and DLR. This processor uses multi-temporal information to detect clouds (and cloud shadows) and to estimate the optical properties of the atmosphere.
The MAJA product offers an alternative to the official ESA L2A product and has been processed with consideration of the characteristics of the Sentinel-2 mission (fast collection of time series, constant sensor perspective, and global coverage). Assumptions about the temporal constancy of the ground cover are taken into account for a robust detection of clouds and a more flexible determination of aerosol properties. As a result, an improved determination of the reflectance of sunlight at the earth's surface (pixel values of the multispectral image) is derived.
This service provides the following data layers:
Satellite: Sentinel-2
Sensor: MSI
Period: starting from July 2015
Coverage: Germany
Sentinel Level 3A for Germany is a monthly, cloud-free surface reflectance syntheses produced at the DLR Earth Observation Center using the WASP processor. The Level 3A product provide a weighted average of the non-clouded observations obtained over a 45-day synthesis period, based on the Level 2A MAJA product. Conventional methods for creating time syntheses often use the "best available pixel" method, which selects for each pixel the date for which the best acquisition conditions are available. Best available pixel mosaics are prone to artifacts on the boundary lines between the different dates selected for each pixel. The weighted average method minimizes these artifacts by merging the different dates without clouds, but depends on good cloud masks, which are provided by the MAJA L2A processor.
This service provides the following layers:
Satellite: Sentinel-2
Sensor: MSI
Period: starting from July 2015
Coverage: Germany
Known Issues:
The World Settlement Footprint WSF 2015 version 2 (WSF2015 v2) is a 10m resolution binary mask outlining the extent of human settlements globally for the year 2015. Specifically, the WSF2015 v2 is a pilot product generated by combining multiple datasets, namely:
The WSF2015 v1 derived at 10m spatial resolution by means of 2014-2015 multitemporal Landsat-8 and Sentinel-1 imagery (of which ~217K and ~107K scenes have been processed, respectively); Publication
The High Resolution Settlement Layer (HRSL) generated by the Connectivity Lab team at Facebook through the employment of 2016 DigitalGlobe VHR satellite imagery and publicly released at 30m spatial resolution for 214 countries; Publication
The novel WSF2019 v1 derived at 10m spatial resolution by means of 2019 multitemporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 imagery (of which ~ 1.2M and ~1.8M scenes have been processed, respectively); Publication
The WSF2015 v1 demonstrated to be highly accurate, outperforming all similar existing global layers; however, the use of Landsat imagery prevented a proper detection of very small structures, mostly due to their reduced scale. Based on an extensive qualitative assessment, wherever available the HRSL layer shows instead a systematic underestimation of larger settlements, whereas it proves particularly effective in identifying smaller clusters of buildings down to single houses, thanks to the employment of 2016 VHR imagery. The WSF2015v v2 has been then generated by: i) merging the WSF2015 v1 and HRSL (after resampling to 10m resolution and disregarding the population density information attached); and ii) masking the outcome by means of the WSF2019 product, which exhibits even higher detail and accuracy, also thanks to the use of Sentinel-2 data and the proper employment of state-of-the-art ancillary datasets (which allowed, for instance, to effectively mask out all roads globally from motorways to residential).
General information:
Download: HTTP download via EOC Download Service
Related datasets:
Attribution: WSF2015 version 2 Data are licensed under: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
The World Settlement Footprint (WSF) 2019 is a 10m resolution binary mask outlining the extent of human settlements globally derived by means of 2019 multitemporal Sentinel-1 (S1) and Sentinel-2 (S2) imagery. Based on the hypothesis that settlements generally show a more stable behavior with respect to most land-cover classes, temporal statistics are calculated for both S1- and S2-based indices. In particular, a comprehensive analysis has been performed by exploiting a number of reference building outlines to identify the most suitable set of temporal features (ultimately including 6 from S1 and 25 from S2). Training points for the settlement and non-settlement class are then generated by thresholding specific features, which varies depending on the 30 climate types of the well-established Köppen Geiger scheme. Next, binary classification based on Random Forest is applied and, finally, a dedicated post-processing is performed where ancillary datasets are employed to further reduce omission and commission errors. Here, the whole classification process has been entirely carried out within the Google Earth Engine platform. To assess the high accuracy and reliability of the WSF2019, two independent crowd-sourcing-based validation exercises have been carried out with the support of Google and Mapswipe, respectively, where overall 1M reference labels have been collected based photointerpretation of very high-resolution optical imagery.
The dataset is organized in 5138 GeoTIFF files (EPSG 4326 projection) each one referring to a portion of 2 x 2 degree size (~222 x 222 km) on the ground. Settlements are associated with value 255; all other pixels are associated with value 0.
A comprehensive publication with all technical details and accuracy figures is currently being finalized. For the time being, please refer to Marconcini et al,. 2021 .
General information:
Download: HTTP download via EOC Download Service
Related datasets:
Attribution: WSF2019 data are licensed under: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
The World Settlement Footprint (WSF) Evolution is a 30m resolution dataset outlining the global settlement extent on a yearly basis from 1985 to 2015. Based on the assumption that settlement growth occurred over time, all pixels categorized as non-settlement in the WSF2015 (Marconcini et al., 2020) are excluded a priori from the analysis. Next, for each target year in the past, all available Landsat-5/7 scenes acquired over the given area of interest are gathered and key temporal statistics (i.e., temporal mean, minimum, maximum, etc.) are then extracted for different spectral indices. Among others, these include: the normalized difference built-up index (NDBI), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and modified normalized difference water index (MNDWI). Temporal features proved generally robust if computed over at least 7 clear cloud-/cloud-shadow-free observations; accordingly, if for a given pixel in the target year this constraint is not satisfied, the time frame is enlarged backwards (at 1-year steps) as long as the condition is met.
Starting backwards from the year 2015 - for which the WSF2015 is used as a reference - settlement and non-settlement training samples for the given target year t are iteratively extracted by applying morphological filtering to the settlement mask derived for the year t+1, as well as excluding potentially mislabeled samples by adaptively thresholding the temporal mean NDBI, MNDWI and NDVI. Finally, binary Random Forest classification in performed.
To quantitatively assess the high accuracy and reliability of the dataset, an extensive campaign based on crowdsourcing photointerpretation of very high-resolution airborne and satellite historical imagery has been performed with the support of Google. In particular, for the years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015, ~200K reference cells of 30x30m size distributed over 100 sites around the world have been labelled, hence summing up to overall ~1.2M validation samples.
It is worth noting that past Landsat-5/7 availability considerably varies across the world and over time. Independently from the implemented approach, this might then result in a lower quality of the final product where few/no scenes have been collected. Accordingly, to provide the users with a suitable and intuitive measure that accounts for the goodness of the Landsat imagery, we conceived the Input Data Consistency (IDC) score, which ranges from 6 to 1 with: 6) very good; 5) good; 4) fair; 3) moderate; 2) low; 1) very low. The IDC score is available on a yearly basis between 1985 and 2015 and supports a proper interpretation of the WSF evolution product.
The WSF evolution and IDC score datasets are organized in 5138 GeoTIFF files (EPSG4326 projection) each one referring to a portion of 2 x 2 degree size (~222 x 222 km) on the ground. WSF evolution values range between 1985 and 2015 corresponding to the estimated year of settlement detection, whereas 0 is no data. A comprehensive publication with all technical details and accuracy figures is currently being finalized. For the time being, please refer to Marconcini et al,. 2021 .
General information:
Related datasets:
Download: HTTP download via EOC Download Service
Attribution:WSF Evolution Data are licensed under: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
The World Settlement Footprint (WSF) 3D provides detailed quantification of the average height, total volume, total area and the fraction of buildings at 90 m resolution at a global scale.
It is generated using a modified version of the World Settlement Footprint human settlements mask derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery in combination with digital elevation data and radar imagery collected by the TanDEM-X mission. The framework includes three basic workflows: i) the estimation of the mean building height based on an analysis of height differences along potential building edges, ii) the determination of building fraction and total building area within each 90 m cell, and iii) the combination of the height information and building area in order to determine the average height and total built-up volume at 90 m gridding. In addition, global height information on skyscrapers and high-rise buildings provided by the Emporis database is integrated into the processing framework, to improve the WSF 3D Building Height and subsequently the Building Volume Layer.
A comprehensive validation campaign has been performed to assess the accuracy of the dataset quantitatively by using VHR 3D building models from 19 globally distributed regions (~86,000 km2) as reference data.
The WSF 3D standard layers are provided in the format of Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW)-compressed GeoTiff files, with each file - or image tile - covering an area of 1 x 1 ° geographical lat/lon at a geometric resolution of 2.8 arcsec (~ 90 m at the equator). Following the system established by the TDX-DEM mission, the latitude resolution is decreased in multiple steps when moving towards the poles to compensate for the reduced circumference of the Earth.
Click here to access the 3D viewer of the WSF 3D data
Product Information:
Data Information:
DLR © 2023
The GUF® maps show two land cover categories (e. g. in a B&W representation): Built-up areas (vertical structures only) in black and non-built-up surfaces in white; in addition, areas of no coverage by theTSX/TDX satellites (NoData) are coded in grey (most parts of the oceans). The focus on two categories clearly highlights the settlement patterns, improving the ability to analyze and compare them with other built-up areas across the world, in an urban or in a rural context. Unlike previous approaches, the fully automatic evaluation procedure detects the characteristic vertical structures of human habitations are primarily buildings. In contrast, areas used for infrastructure purposes, like roads, are not mapped. This is why broad urban canyons or expanses of greenery within the cities are shown as white corridors and patches.
The GUF® maps show two land cover categories (e. g. in a B&W representation): Built-up areas (vertical structures only) in black and non-built-up surfaces in white; in addition, areas of no coverage by theTSX/TDX satellites (NoData) are coded in grey (most parts of the oceans). The focus on two categories clearly highlights the settlement patterns, improving the ability to analyze and compare them with other built-up areas across the world, in an urban or in a rural context. Unlike previous approaches, the fully automatic evaluation procedure detects the characteristic vertical structures of human habitations are primarily buildings. In contrast, areas used for infrastructure purposes, like roads, are not mapped. This is why broad urban canyons or expanses of greenery within the cities are shown as white corridors and patches.
The GWP maps show different water coverage categories which represent how often a location (pixel) was detected as open surface water. Dark blue color show lakes and rivers which can be considered as permanent open water, red color represents pixel which were rarely water over the year. Be aware that lake ice was not classified as open surface water. Therefore, e.g. Northern hemisphere lakes, indirectly visualize how long a lake was ice free
Information about extent and dynamics of open surface water are essential for climate research, hydrological applications, flood prediction and water management. Climate and environmental change as well as water management are influencing the characteristics and duration of surface water around the globe. Therefore, precise information about the different open surface water parameters and their development over time are of high importance for various research fields.
The Global WaterPack is a dataset containing information about open surface water cover parameters on a global scale. The water detection is derived from daily, operational MODIS datasets for every year since 2003. The negative effects of polar darkness and cloud coverage are compensated by applying interpolation processing steps. Thereby, a unique global dataset can be provided that is characterized by its high temporal resolution of one day and a spatial resolution of 250 meter. Furthermore, reliability and observation layers provide additional information on the quality of each Global WaterPack pixel at daily, monthly, and yearly temporal scale.
Product Information:
Data Information:
Data Access:
DLR © 2023
The GWP maps show different water coverage categories which represent how often a location (pixel) was detected as open surface water. Dark blue color show lakes and rivers which can be considered as permanent open water, red color represents pixel which were rarely water over the year. Be aware that lake ice was not classified as open surface water. Therefore, e.g. Northern hemisphere lakes, indirectly visualize how long a lake was ice free
Information about extent and dynamics of open surface water are essential for climate research, hydrological applications, flood prediction and water management. Climate and environmental change as well as water management are influencing the characteristics and duration of surface water around the globe. Therefore, precise information about the different open surface water parameters and their development over time are of high importance for various research fields.
The Global WaterPack is a dataset containing information about open surface water cover parameters on a global scale. The water detection is derived from daily, operational MODIS datasets for every year since 2003. The negative effects of polar darkness and cloud coverage are compensated by applying interpolation processing steps. Thereby, a unique global dataset can be provided that is characterized by its high temporal resolution of one day and a spatial resolution of 250 meter. Furthermore, reliability and observation layers provide additional information on the quality of each Global WaterPack pixel at daily, monthly, and yearly temporal scale.
Product Information:
Data Information:
Data Access:
DLR © 2023
This product shows the snow cover duration for a hydrological year. Its beginning differs from the calendar year, since some of the precipitation that falls in late autumn and winter falls as snow and only drains away when the snow melts in the following spring or summer. The meteorological seasons are used for subdivision and the hydrological year begins in autumn and ends in summer. The snow cover duration is made available for three time periods: the snow cover duration for the entire hydrological year (SCD), the early snow cover duration (SCDE), which extends from autumn to midwinter, and the late snow cover duration (SCDL), which in turn extends over the period from mid-winter to the end of summer. For the northern hemisphere SCD lasts from September 1st to August 31st, for the southern hemisphere it lasts from March 1st to February 28th/29th. The SCDE lasts from September 1st to January 14th in the northern hemisphere and from March 1st to July 14th in the southern hemisphere. The SCDL lasts from January 15th to August 31st in the northern hemisphere and from July 15th to February 28th/29th in the southern hemisphere.
The “Global SnowPack” is derived from daily, operational MODIS snow cover product for each day since February 2000. Data gaps due to polar night and cloud cover are filled in several processing steps, which provides a unique global data set characterized by its high accuracy, spatial resolution of 500 meters and continuous future expansion. It consists of the two main elements daily snow cover extent (SCE) and seasonal snow cover duration (SCD; full and for early and late season). Both parameters have been designated by the WMO as essential climate variables, the accurate determination of which is important in order to be able to record the effects of climate change. Changes in the largest part of the cryosphere in terms of area have drastic effects on people and the environment.
Product Information:
Data Information:
DLR © 2022
This product shows globally the daily snow cover extent (SCE). The snow cover extent is the result of the Global SnowPack processor's interpolation steps and all data gaps have been filled. Snow cover extent is updated daily and processed in near real time (3 days lag). In addition to the near real-time product (NRT_SCE), the entire annual data set is processed again after the end of a calendar year in order to close data gaps etc. and the result is made available as a quality-tested SCE product. There is also a quality layer for each day (SCE_Accuracy), which reflects the quality of the snow determination based on the time interval to the next "cloud-free" day, the time of year and the topographical/geographical location.
The “Global SnowPack” is derived from daily, operational MODIS snow cover product for each day since February 2000. Data gaps due to polar night and cloud cover are filled in several processing steps, which provides a unique global data set characterized by its high accuracy, spatial resolution of 500 meters and continuous future expansion. It consists of the two main elements daily snow cover extent (SCE) and seasonal snow cover duration (SCD; full and for early and late season). Both parameters have been designated by the WMO as essential climate variables, the accurate determination of which is important in order to be able to record the effects of climate change. Changes in the largest part of the cryosphere in terms of area have drastic effects on people and the environment.
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The individual bit positions indicate the class to which they belong (bits 4-8) or the interpolation level (bits 1-3). The meaning of the bytes is as follows (little-endian):
DLR © 2022
This product shows the mean snow cover duration (SCDmean), which is updated each year and consists of the arithmetic mean for the entire time series since the hydrological year 2001. The hydrological year begins in the meteorological autumn (October 1 of the previous year in the northern hemisphere or March 1 of the reference year in the southern hemisphere) and ends with the meteorological summer (northern hemisphere: August 31 of the reference year; southern hemisphere: February 28/29 of the following year). Analogous to the annual products for snow cover duration, the entire year as well as the early season (until mid-winter) and the late season (from mid-winter) are taken into account here.
The “Global SnowPack” is derived from daily, operational MODIS snow cover product for each day since February 2000. Data gaps due to polar night and cloud cover are filled in several processing steps, which provides a unique global data set characterized by its high accuracy, spatial resolution of 500 meters and continuous future expansion. It consists of the two main elements daily snow cover extent (SCE) and seasonal snow cover duration (SCD; full and for early and late season). Both parameters have been designated by the WMO as essential climate variables, the accurate determination of which is important in order to be able to record the effects of climate change. Changes in the largest part of the cryosphere in terms of area have drastic effects on people and the environment.
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DLR © 2022
The product shows forest structure information on canopy height, total canopy cover and Above-ground biomass density (AGBD) in Germany as annual products in 10 m spatial resolution. The products were generated using a machine learning modelling approach that combines complementary spaceborne remote sensing sensors, namely GEDI (Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation; NASA; full-waveform LiDAR), Sentinel-1 (Synthetic-Aperture-Radar; ESA, C-band) and Sentinel-2 (Multispectral Instrument; ESA; VIS-NIR-SWIR). Sample estimates on forest structure from GEDI were modelled in 10 m spatial resolution as annual products based on spatio-temporal composites from Sentinel-1 and -2. The derived products are the first consistent data sets on canopy height, total canopy cover and AGBD for Germany which enable a quantitative assessment of recent forest structure dynamics, e.g. in the context of repeated drought events since 2018. The full description of the method and results can be found in the publication of Kacic et al. (2023).
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DLR © 2024
"AVHRR - Monthly Sea Surface Temperature (SST)" is an AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) subset from 1993 to 2014 integrated to facilitate valuable time series exploitation of historic data. This subset represents the Monthly Average of Sea Surface Temperature in degrees celsius, therefore it is possible to display the average temperature by selecting the first day of each month. By two clicks on any pixel, it is possible to display a chart for comparing the temperature in the same area but on different dates.
Product Version: 1.0 Sensor: AVHRR/1, AVHRR/2, AVHRR/3 Period: February 1993 - December 2014 (monthly average) Coverage: Atlantic, Madeira and Mediterranean Sea
Attribution: This is an outcome of the German Satellite Data Archive (D-SDA) ensuring long-term data preservation (LTDP) of the playload data and derived spatial information products. To keep pace with technological progress, D-SDA also develops and applies new technologies and tools for facilitating data access and use, with options for directly analyzing Earth observation data without the need to download products or to deploy specialized software.
Through TIMELINE Project newer AVHRR products will be offered soon: Click Here
More Information of AVHRR sensors and NOAA-POES series can be found in: AVHRR/3 AVHRR and TIMELINE
IceLines is an automated calving front monitoring service providing monthly ice shelf front time series of major Antarctic ice shelves. The provided time series allows to discover the dynamics of ice shelf front changes and calving events. The front positions are automatically derived from Sentinel-1 data based on a deep neuronal network called HED-U-Net. The time series covers the timespan 2014 to today (partly limited due to Sentinel-1 data availability). Incorrectly extracted fronts are truncated which might lead to gaps in the time series especially between December to March due to strong surface melt. Annual averages are calculated based on the extracted monthly fronts (excluding the summer months) and provide more robust results due to temporal aggregation.
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DLR © 2022
The objective of the pan-European project CORINE Land Cover (CLC) is the provision of a unique and comparable data set of land cover for Europe. It is part of the European Union programme CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment). The mapping of the land cover and land use was performed on the basis of satellite remote sensing images on a scale of 1:100,000. The first CLC data base CLC1990, which was finalised in the 1990s, consistently provided land use information comprising 44 classes, out of which 37 classes are relevant in Germany.
In the project CORINE Land Cover 2000 (CLC2000), an update of the database and a mapping of changes have been accomplished using the year 2000 as reference. The project CLC2000, which resulted in area-wide land use and land use change maps of Germany, was led by the German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) on behalf of the Federal Environmental Agency (UBA). With CLC2000 a reliable, objective and comparable data base for the description of the current situation (at 2000) and the analysis of changes during the decade between 1990 and 2000 is available.
Integrated in the European GMES activities, a further update of CORINE Land Cover was done in 37 European countries with the reference year 2006. The project CLC2006 in Germany was again performed by the German Remote Sensing Data Center, on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The update CORINE Land Cover 2006 for Germany is available since February 2010. Besides the status in 2006, an analysis of the changes between 2000 and 2006 is available. Read more at the DFD Corine Website
The CLC2000 project in Germany was executed using financial support by DG Regio and the German Federal Ministry on Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) on behalf of the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), project no. UBA FKZ 201 12 209. The CLC2006 project in Germany was under the responsibility of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and was performed on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), project no. UBA FKZ 3707 12 200 and UBA FKZ 3708 12 200.
This land cover classfication of Germany was created using Sentinel-2 imagery from the years 2015 to 2017 and LUCAS 2015 in-situ reference data (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/lucas). It contains seven land cover types: (1) artificial land, (2) open soil, (3) high seasonal vegetation, (4) high perennial vegetation, (5) low seasonal vegetation, (6) low perennial vegetation and (7) water with a spatial resolution of 10m x 10m.
Sensor: Sentinel-2 MSI Period: 2015 - 2017 Product Version: 1.0
Image preprocessing: This dataset was created using a median mosaic of all collected Sentinel-2 Scenes up until April 30, 2017 with a cloud cover of less than 60%. From these a total of 226 spectral and textural image features were derived. Additionally imperviousness from buildings, roads and railways were included. A supervised machine learning classifier was trained with in-situ reference points from the 2015 Land Use and Coverage Area Frame Survey (LUCAS).
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.15489/1ccmlap3mn39
Download: HTTP download via EOC Download Service
Attribution: The creation of this dataset was partly funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU). Funding for the projects "meinGruen" and "SAUBER" (funding codes 19F2073B and 19F2064B, respectively) were granted by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), and funding for the project "Monitoring des Stadtgrüns (Monitoring of urban green)" was granted by the German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR). The dataset is produced and distributed by the DLR under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license. This product contains processed and modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2015-2017).
This dataset includes a road traffic noise indicator mapped according to the European Noise Directive (2002/49/EC). The indicator, Lden (Day-Evening-Night Level), describes the equivalent sound pressure level of a 24-hour period, with separate values for daytime, evening, and nighttime periods and is commonly used in environmental noise assessments to evaluate the impact of noise sources on human health and well-being. The input data, simulated noise levels provided as shapefiles by the federal states of Germany, were cleansed and harmonized prior rasterizing them to 10 x 10m.
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Layer: Road Traffic Noise - Germany, 2017
DLR © 2024
This repository contains tree canopy cover loss information between January 2018 and April 2021 for Germany at monthly resolution. The analysis is based on monthly image composites of the disturbance index (DI) derived from Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 time series. Deviations from a 2017 reference median DI image exceeding a threshold are recorded as losses. The method used to derive this product as well as the mapping results are described in detail in Thonfeld et al. (2022). The map depicts areas of natural disturbances (windthrow, fire, droughts, insect infestation) as well as sanitation and salvage logging, and regular forest harvest without explicitly differentiating these drivers.
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Layer: Tree Canopy Cover Loss Germany 2018-2021
Layer: Tree Canopy Cover Loss Germany 2018-2021 per district
DLR © 2022
The RapidEye RESA Germany Mosaic provides a nearly cloud-free view of the country's geography, natural resources, and infrastructure. It is composed of 374,240 sqkm of multi-spectral RapidEye imagery, acquired between April and October 2015. The product is being provided in the framework of the RapidEye Science Archive (RESA) agreement. Co-funded by the German Federal Government, the fleet of RapidEye satellites were launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan in 2008. The satellites are now owned by Planet Labs, Inc. The RapidEye Earth observation system comprises five satellites equipped with high-resolution optical sensors. With a spatial resolution of 6.5 m the 5-band instruments operate in the visible and near-infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. With its high repetition rate the RapidEye constellation can image each point on the Earth's at least once per day.
For more information see the DLR Earth Observation projects page or the Planet Website.
This product contains tropospheric NO2 columns for Germany derived from Sentinel-5P/TROPOMI Level-1B data. The tropospheric NO2 data are vertical column densities with the unit "µmol/m2". Sentinel-5P observes Germany once per day at ~12:00 UTC (the measurement time is included in the netCDF data file). These daily observations are gridded onto a regular 2 km x 2 km UTM grid. Only tropospheric NO2 data for cloud-free Sentinel-5P measurements are provided (cloud fraction < ~0.2). The cloud fraction data from Sentinel-5P is included in this product as well.
Product Version: 1.0 Sensor: TROPOMI/Sentinel-5P Period: February 2018 - June 2020 (orbit/daily) Coverage: Germany and surrounding areas Horizontal resolution: 2 km x 2 km
Attribution: This is an outcome of the S-VELD project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (FKZ: 19F2065A) in the framework of the mFUND-Programme. It is produced and distributed by the DLR under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license. This product contains processed and modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2018-2019).
Download: HTTP download via EOC Download Service
S-VELD S5P Trop. NO2 (Monthly): Click Here
More Information of S-VELD products can be found in: Readme File User Manual
This product contains monthly mean tropospheric NO2 columns for Germany derived from Sentinel-5P/TROPOMI Level-1B data. The tropospheric NO2 data are vertical column densities with the unit "µmol/m2". Sentinel-5P observes Germany once per day at ~12:00 UTC and only cloud-free measurements (cloud fraction < ~0.2) are used. The Sentinel-5P tropospheric NO2 data within each month are averaged and gridded onto a regular 2 km x 2 km UTM grid. The number of measurements used in the calculation of the averaged value are included in this product as well.
Product Version: 1.0 Sensor: TROPOMI/Sentinel-5P Period: February 2018 - May 2020 (monthly mean) Coverage: Germany and surrounding areas Horizontal resolution: 2 km x 2 km
Attribution: This is an outcome of the S-VELD project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (FKZ: 19F2065A) in the framework of the mFUND-Programme. It is produced and distributed by the DLR under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license. This product contains processed and modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2018-2019).
Download: HTTP download via EOC Download Service
S-VELD S5P Trop. NO2 (Daily): Click Here
More Information of S-VELD products can be found in: Readme File User Manual
This collection contains surface NO2 concentrations for Germany derived from Sentinel-5P/TROPOMI data. The Sentinel-5P NO2 data is generated by DLR and provided in the framework of the mFUND-Project "S-VELD". The surface NO2 data are concentrations with the unit "µg/m3". Sentinel-5P observes Germany on a daily basis. These daily observations are gridded onto a regular UTM grid. The day and measurement time are included in the netCDF data file. Only surface NO2 data for cloud-free Sentinel-5P measurements are provided (cloud fraction < ~0.2) and a strict quality filter is applied to the Sentinel-5P data which can result in limited spatial coverage (especially in the winter months). Sentinel-5P cloud fraction data is included in this collection as well.
Product Version: 1.0 Sensor: TROPOMI/Sentinel-5P Period: February 2018 - Dec 2020 (orbit/daily) Coverage: Germany Resolution: 0.5 km x 0.5 km
Attribution: This is an outcome of the S-VELD project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (FKZ: 19F2065A) in the framework of the mFUND-Programme. It is produced and distributed by the DLR under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license. This product contains processed and modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2018-2020).
Download: HTTP download via EOC Download Service
S-VELD S5P Surface NO2 (Monthly): Click Here
More Information of S-VELD products can be found in: Readme File User Manual
This collection contains monthly mean surface NO2 concentrations for Germany derived from Sentinel-5P/TROPOMI data. The Sentinel-5P NO2 data is generated by DLR and provided in the framework of the mFUND-Project "S-VELD". The surface NO2 data are concentrations with the unit "µg/m3". Sentinel-5P observes Germany on a daily basis. Only cloud-free measurements (cloud fraction < ~0.2) are used and a strict data quality filter is applied to the Sentinel-5P data which can result in limited spatial coverage (especially in the winter months). The Sentinel-5P surface NO2 data within each month are averaged and gridded onto a regular UTM grid. The number of measurements used in the calculation of the averaged value are included in this collection as well.
Product Version: 1.0 Sensor: TROPOMI/Sentinel-5P Period: February 2018 - Dec 2020 (monthly mean) Coverage: Germany Resolution: 0.5 km x 0.5 km
Attribution: This is an outcome of the S-VELD project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (FKZ: 19F2065A) in the framework of the mFUND-Programme. It is produced and distributed by the DLR under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license. This product contains processed and modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2018-2029).
Download: HTTP download via EOC Download Service
S-VELD S5P Surf. NO2 (Daily): Click Here
More Information of S-VELD products can be found in: Readme File User Manual
This data set contains monthly mean surface PM2.5 concentrations for Germany and parts of the surrounding countries. PM2.5 surface concentrations are derived from Aqua/MODIS and Sentinel-3A/SLSTR AOD data and provided as merged MODIS/SLSTR product. The data is generated by DLR and provided in the framework of the mFUND-Project "S-VELD". The surface PM2.5 data are concentrations with the unit "µg/m3". The satellites Aqua (NASA) and Sentinel-3 (Copernicus) observe Germany on a daily basis. PM2.5 concentrations were derived on a daily basis from the two AOD products separately and combined to a merged MODIS/SLSR surface PM2.5 product. The data within each month are averaged and gridded onto a regular UTM grid. As AOD measurements are strongly depending on cloud conditions, the spatial coverage can be limited, especially in the winter months.
Product Version: 1.0 Sensor: MODIS (Aqua), SLSTR (Sentinel-3A) Period: January 2018 - December 2019 (monthly mean) Coverage: Germany Resolution: 0.5 km x 0.5 km
Attribution: This is an outcome of the S-VELD project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (FKZ: 19F2065A) in the framework of the mFUND-Programme. It is produced and distributed by the DLR under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license. This product contains processed and modified Copernicus Sentinel and NASA data (2018-2019).
Download: HTTP download via EOC Download Service
More Information of S-VELD products can be found in: Readme File User Manual
The Soil Composite Mapping Processor (SCMaP) is a new approach designed to make use of per-pixel compositing to overcome the issue of limited soil exposure due to vegetation. Primary products are reflectance composites that will allow for a long term assessment of exposed soils. Further products include the distribution of exposed soils and statistical information related to soil use and intensity. The resulting reflectance soil composites correlate well with existing soil maps and the underlying geological structure.
Version: V 1.0 Sensor: Landsat 4, 5, 7 Period: 1984 - 2014 (6 x 5-year composites) Image preprocessing: Cloud-removal (FMask), ATM-Correction + Haze removal (ATCOR), Reprojection, Image filtering Reference: Rogge, D., Bauer, A., Zeidler, J., Müller, A., Esch, T., Heiden, U. (2018). Building an exposed soil composite processor (SCMaP) for mapping spatial and temporal characteristics of soils with Landsat imagery (1984-2014). Remote Sensing of Environment, 205, Seiten 1-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2017.11.004 ISSN 0034-425.
The Soil Composite Mapping Processor (SCMaP) is a new approach designed to make use of per-pixel compositing to overcome the issue of limited soil exposure due to vegetation. Primary products are reflectance composites that will allow for a long term assessment of exposed soils. Further products include the distribution of exposed soils and statistical information related to soil use and intensity. The resulting reflectance soil composites correlate well with existing soil maps and the underlying geological structure.
Version: V 1.0 Sensor: Landsat 4, 5, 7 Period: 1984 - 2014 Image preprocessing: Cloud-removal (FMask), ATM-Correction + Haze removal (ATCOR), Reprojection, Image filtering Reference: Rogge, D., Bauer, A., Zeidler, J., Müller, A., Esch, T., Heiden, U. (2018). Building an exposed soil composite processor (SCMaP) for mapping spatial and temporal characteristics of soils with Landsat imagery (1984-2014). Remote Sensing of Environment, 205, Seiten 1-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2017.11.004 ISSN 0034-425.
This inventory of traffic areas in the city of Brunswick, Germany, is based on image sequences acquired during six flight campaigns at different times of the day and year in 2019 and 2020. Each aerial image is segmented by a neural network into the classes (1) Parking area, (2) Road, and (3) Access way, with the latter two classes differing in terms of their primary transportation function (mobility versus access). The individual segmentations are subsequently merged, since in addition to dedicated parking areas, those traffic areas that are regularly used for parking a motorized vehicle (e.g., at the curbside) are also to be classified as such. Furthermore, the multitemporal fusion enhances the robustness and completeness of the traffic area map (TAM). Potential applications include: urban planning, traffic modeling, and parking management.
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DLR © 2022
This repository contains data on the forest structure and forest cover dynamics in the Paraguayan Chaco (northeastern part of Paraguay) between 1987 and 2020. The products displaying results on the forest cover dynamic base on annual forest cover masks at 30 m resolution. These were derived through a classification of forest and non-forest areas using a random forest classifier trained on Landsat data. The annual forest masks were used to generate further products which are also contained in this repository: Annual forest cover per district, forest cover changes in protected areas, information on the degree of forest fragmentation and a detailed overview map showing where and when forest was lost in the Paraguayan Chaco. Additionally, this repository comprises the result of a forest structure modelation based on Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and GEDI data, and provides information on e.g. the plant area index, or the canopy height.
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Layer: Forest cover changes in the Paraguayan Chaco 1987-2020
Layer: Protected Areas
Layer: Forest Cover Change per District
Layer: Forest Fragmentation
Layer: Forest Structure
DLR © 2022
Information about residential heat demand is crucial for sustainable climate mitigation and adaptation as approximately 30% of the heat demand stem from residential heating which contribute to one third of the nationwide CO2 emissions. This service provides information on heat demand in kWh/a based on three different refurbishment scenarios (no refurbishment, advanced refurbishment, usual refurbishment). Residential heat demand is calculated based on a method using the constructional elements of the buildings, as well as on building type and construction period and climatic properties. The constructional elements (exterior wall surface, roof surface, ground surface and volume) are extracted from LoD2 data, whereas building type (single-family house, terraced house or multi-family house) and construction period are predicted using the machine learning algorithm Random Forest. For the climatic properties degree days are used from the German Weather Service stations and are derived area-wide using a linear regression. Three different heat demand scenarios, differing based on the assumed amount of refurbishment conducted are calculated. The three heat demand scenarios are referred to as: no refurbishment, usual refurbishment and advanced refurbishment. The building-specific heat demand is aggregated to a 100x100 m grid and due to privacy protection, cells containing less than 3 residential buildings are not depicted. This is a product of the project "Entwicklung eines standardisierten Analyse- und Ergebnisrasters für Wärmepläne zur Umsetzung der Energiewende im kommunalen Bereich" (ANSWER-Kommunal) funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK)). Grant number: 020E-SY 48192
Coverage: Baden Wuerttemberg Spatial Resolution: 100x100m Attribution: Residential Heat Demand Data are licensed under: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
ECoLaSS is an EU Horizon2020 project to develop several prototypes of new or enhanced Copernicus Land services by making full use of dense time series of SAR and optical Sentinel EO data at a high spatial resolution of 10m. These prototypes shall be suggested for qualifying as candidates for operational integration into the future Copernicus Land Monitoring Service from 2020 onwards. The high resolution layer (HRL) prototypes fall into six main categories: improved imperviousness HRLs, improved forest HRLs, improved grassland HRLs, improved landcover HRLs, novel agriculture HRLs as well as novel time-series indicator HRLs.
The prototypes displayed here are the final results of the ECoLaSS project:
The ECoLaSS Consortium is composed of five companies/institutions: GAF AG (Germany), SIRS (France), JOANNEUM RESEARCH (Austria), Universite Catholiqe De Louvain (Belgium), and the German Aerospace Center - DLR (Germany). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under grant agreement no 730008.
The Sentinel-2 fractional vegetation cover (fCover) product for the Netherlands was produced as part of the NextGEOSS project at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The goal is to derive abundance maps from atmospherically corrected Sentinel-2 multispectral images for: photosynthetically active vegetation (PV); and for combined non-photosynthetically active vegetation (NPV) and bare soil (BS).
Satellite / Sensor: Sentinel-2 MSI
Image preprocessing: The fCover product for the Netherlands has been generated by processing 10 cloud-free Sentinel-2 tiles which covered the country on 8 September 2016. The map has a spatial resolution of 60m x 60m. The Sentinel-2 scene classification layer was used to ensure that the spectral unmixing was only performed on areas of vegetation or soil.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.15489/d4eigqgpz945