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Welcome to the EOC Geoservice

The EOC Geoservice provides discovery, visualization, and direct download services for a selection of the geospatial datasets provided by the Earth Observation Center (EOC) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). See the About page for details.

Latest Datasets

EnMAP HSI - SpectralEarth – non-georeferenced – Global


Forest Structure - Germany, 2017-2022


Sentinel-5P TROPOMI L3 Daily Composites - Cloud Fraction (CF)


Sentinel-5P TROPOMI L3 Daily Composites - Cloud Optical Thickness (COT)


Sentinel-5P TROPOMI L3 Daily Composites - Cloud-Top Height (CTH)


Latest News and Announcement

Based on the EnMAP L2A data collection [1], a 3.3 terabytes dataset of over half a million hyperspectral image patches of size 128x128 pixels and 202 channels has been assembled: ″SpectralEarth″ [2] aims to share a valuable asset for the training of hyperspectral foundation models and self-supervised machine learning algorithms. To that end, SpectralEarth ships with a subset of annotations for various land cover classification tasks.

The data can be downloaded directly from the EOC Download Service. [3]

Further information on the data can be found in the publication. [4]