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The hyperspectral DESIS L2A STAC collection [1] is now accessible using the EOC Geoservice STAC endpoint [2] and can be downloaded directly from the EOC Download Service [3]. It expands the accessibility of DESIS data with a standardized L2A dataset particularly for users of Big Data or time series analysis. The DESIS Level 2A collection is listed by CEOS as Analysis Ready Data (ARD) [4]. The DESIS L2A STAC collection contains systematically processed bottom of atmosphere reflectance data generated using an algorithm for the atmospheric correction of DESIS data over land surfaces using the PACO code [5]. The spaceborne hyperspectral DESIS mission [6] provides hyperspectral data with reflectance values between 400nm and 1000nm with a spatial resolution of about 30 m and it is provided in cloud-optimized GeoTIFF format for direct access and download. In this collection, data has been spectrally binned by factor 4. Data with the original spectral resolution of 2.55 nm is available via the EOWEB portal [7]. The dataset is provided in cloud-optimized GeoTIFF format for direct access and download.

The SoilSuite contains a collection of maps that provide information about the spectral properties of the European soils and its temporal variability as well as the duration of soil cover and intensity of use [1]. The data can also be further used in soil parameter mapping approaches to derive soil organic carbon [2] and other soil properties. The SoilSuite is created using DLR's Soil Composite Mapping Processor (SCMaP) [3] utilizing the HPC terrabyte platform [4] at DLR. All products are calculated based on the available Sentinel-2 scenes recorded between January 2018 and December 2022 in Europe and the pixel resolution is 20 m. The processing excludes all scenes with a cloud cover of > 80 % and a sun elevation of < 20 degrees. The SoilSuite datasets can be explored via the EOC Geoservice Webapp [5], the EOC Geoservice STAC endpoint [6] and can be downloaded directly from the EOC Download Service [7].

New data sets from earth observation show the diversity and utilisation of agricultural land [1]. This raster dataset depicts the main type of crop grown on each field in Germany each year. Crop types and crop rotation are of great economic importance and have a strong influence on the functions of arable land and ecology.

Based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series as well as LPIS data from some Federal States of Germany, 18 different crops or crop groups were mapped per pixel with 10 m resolution for Germany on an annual basis since 2018.

A full description of the method and results can be found in the publication [2].

The datasets will also be available for download soon.

Based on the EnMAP L2A data collection [1], a 3.3 terabytes dataset of over half a million hyperspectral image patches of size 128x128 pixels and 202 channels has been assembled: ″SpectralEarth″ [2] aims to share a valuable asset for the training of hyperspectral foundation models and self-supervised machine learning algorithms. To that end, SpectralEarth ships with a subset of annotations for various land cover classification tasks.

The data can be downloaded directly from the EOC Download Service. [3]

Further information on the data can be found in the publication. [4]

We are pleased to inform you that our service has been updated with a new design. We have revised the structure of the site to offer you an enhanced user experience. The new design of the "Datasets" optimizes the overview of available data [1].

The most important changes include:

  • Datasets as a central page for all data
  • Geoscientific categories for the thematic subdivision of datasets
  • Product pages with information and links to the data and projects

We hope you like the new design and that it makes it easier for you to work with our service.

If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards

Your EOC Geoservice Team.

The forest structure product for Germany consists of the attributes canopy height [1], total canopy cover [2] and above-ground biomass density (AGBD, [3]) as annual products from 2017 to 2022 in 10 m spatial resolution. The products were generated using a machine learning modelling approach that combines complementary spaceborne remote sensing sensors, namely GEDI (Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation; NASA; full-waveform LiDAR; [4]), Sentinel-1 (Synthetic-Aperture-Radar; ESA; C-band; [5]) and Sentinel-2 (Multispectral Instrument; ESA; VIS-NIR-SWIR; [6]). The derived products are the first consistent data sets on canopy height, total canopy cover and AGBD for Germany which enable a quantitative assessment of recent forest structure dynamics, e.g. in the context of repeated drought events since 2018. The full description of the method and results can be found in the publication of Kacic et al. 2023 ([7]).

The data will be accessible through the EOC Geoservice WMS [8] and can be downloaded directly from the EOC Download Service. [9]

The 30m TanDEM-X products depict detailed information of the topographic height and changes over a certain time. The DEM Change Maps [1] focus on the changes that have occurred during the years separating this new coverage from the coverages acquired to generate the TanDEM-X global DEM (between 2011 and 2014). The Change Maps are available in 30m posting and show height differences between the edited first global TanDEM-X DEM and the newly acquired time-tagged DEM scenes. The TanDEM-X 30m Edited DEM [2] is a product variant of the Global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) acquired in the frame of the German TanDEM-X mission between 2010 and 2014, and has a reduced pixel spacing of 1 arcseconds (arsec), which corresponds to 30m at the equator.

The data will be accessible through the EOC Geoservice WMS and can be downloaded directly from the EOC Download Service. [3] [4]

Further information on the products can be found in the Data Guide. [5]

The EnMAP HSI L2A STAC Collection [1] expands the accessibility of EnMAP with a standardized dataset series particularly for users of Big Data or time series analysis. The dataset provided will contain the entire mission data processed with the latest atmospheric correction methodology of the land processor to Level 2A. In addition, the data will be Analysis Ready Data (ARD) and the metadata will follow the CEOS Analysis Ready Data (CEOS-ARD) [2] framework. The data will be accessible through the EOC Geoservice STAC endpoint [3] or can be downloaded directly from the EOC Download Service [4]. The collection will contain all "overallQuality" levels, unlike the collections in EOWEB [5]. At the moment, the data is still being reprocessed, so the collection will continue to fill up in the near future.

Since August 1, 2023, the Sentinel-5P L3 datasets are being generated with the new UMAS: 4.1.0 processor. These products are being published via our STAC Catalog endpoint [9]. At current (06.09.2023) these atmospheric trace gases and cloud physical parameters are being produced as Level 3 products: Ozone, Formaldehyde, Sulphur Dioxide, Cloud Fraction, Cloud Optical Thickness and Cloud Top Height. These improved UMAS-4 L3-products are now available in the Web Mapping Service (WMS) [7]. However, "old" products (generated with previous versions of UMAS) are still available in the download service [2]. This applies for data (from January 16, 2022 until July 31, 2023). In the upcoming months all Level 3 products from mission start onwards will be reprocessed with UMAS-4 and published via this platform. For the whole period, additional S5P L3 products will follow soon.

The World Settlement Footprint (WSF) 3D datasets provide detailed quantification of the average height, total volume, total area and the fraction of buildings at 90 m resolution at a global scale. It is generated using a modified version of the World Settlement Footprint human settlements mask derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery in combination with digital elevation data and radar imagery collected by the TanDEM-X mission. [1]. In addition to the 2D view in the WMS, the data is also accessible to the user in a 3D view. It is a derivative of the WSF3D raster dataset tailored for the web. As a tiled vector dataset, it enables dynamic client-side visualization of the WSF3D metrics. The WSF 3D datasets can be explored via EOC GeoService Webapp [2], via the 3D Viewer [3] or can be downloaded directly from the EOC Download Service [4].