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The EOC Metadata Catalogue has been updated and moved to a new location.

The new EOC Metadata Catalogue has been updated and moved to a new location. It can now be accessed through This replaces the previous EOC Catalogue, which was accessible via The EOC Metadata Catalogue contains metadata of a variety of data sets and data set series which are available through the EOC Geoservice. Currently selected data sets such as the digital elevation model of the DLR Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM X-SAR), atmospheric products for the Eumetsat Ozone Satellite Application Facility (O3M-SAF), as well as thematic products of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) of the NOAA POES satellite series are available through the EOC Geoservice. In addition, the Center for Satellite Based Crisis Information (ZKI) provides collection metadata of their products to the EOC Catalogue. As of today (08/2013), 85 collection metadata sets are available and the number will grow continuously.