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TanDEM-X 30m Edited Digital Elevation Model (EDEM)
TanDEM-X 30m DEM Change Maps (DCM)
TanDEM-X 90m DEM
TanDEM-X PolarDEM 90m of Antarctica
TanDEM-X Forest/Non-Forest Map
EnMAP L0 Quicklooks
Burnt Area Daily NRT Incremental Product - Europe, MODIS
Burnt Area Daily NRT Incremental Product - Europe, Sentinel-3
Burnt Area Monthly Composite - Europe, Sentinel-3
Burnt Area Yearly Composite - Europe, Sentinel-3
CropTypes - Crop Type Maps for Germany - Yearly, 10m
MetOp GOME-2 Daily Total Column Composites
Sentinel-5P TROPOMI L3 Daily Composites
Sentinel-5P TROPOMI L4-DE Daily Composites
MODIS-EU Daily Mosaic
Sentinel-2 L2A MAJA Products
Sentinel-2 L3A WASP Products
World Settlement Footprint (WSF) - Landsat-8/Sentinel-1 - Global, 2015
World Settlement Footprint (WSF) - Sentinel-1/Sentinel-2 - Global, 2019
World Settlement Footprint (WSF) Evolution
World Settlement Footprint (WSF) 3D - Global, 90m
GUF® - Global Urban Footprint® v1 - EPSG:3857 (WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator)
GUF® - Global Urban Footprint® v1 - EPSG:4326 (WGS84 / geocentric)
GWP - Global WaterPack Yearly
GWP - Global WaterPack Monthly
SWIM Water Extent
GSP - Global SnowPack Yearly
GSP - Global SnowPack Daily
GSP - Global SnowPack Mean
TimeScan Landsat 2015
Forest Structure - Germany, Yearly
AVHRR - Monthly Sea Surface Temperature
IceLines - Ice Shelf and Glacier Front Time Series
CORINE Land Cover
Land Cover DE
Road Traffic Noise - Germany, 2017
Tree Canopy Cover Loss - Germany, 2018-2021
RapidEye RESA - L3M Mosaic - Germany
S-VELD S5P Trop. NO2 Columns (Daily/Orbit)
S-VELD S5P Trop. NO2 Columns (Monthly Mean)
S-VELD S5P Surface NO2 (Daily/Orbit)
S-VELD S5P Surface NO2 (Monthly Mean)
S-VELD MODIS/SLSTR Surface PM2.5 (Monthly Mean)
Soil Composite Mapping Processor (SCMaP) Products (5 years)
Soil Composite Mapping Processor (SCMaP) Products (30 years)
SoilSuite - Sentinel-2 - Europe, 5 year composite (2018-2022)
UrMo Digital - Traffic Area Map (TAM) - Brunswick, Germany
Geo-ForPy - Forest cover Paraguayan Chaco
Residential Heat Demand - Baden Württemberg, Germany
ECoLaSS - Evolution of Copernicus Land Services based on Sentinel Data
fCover - Fractional Vegetation Cover Netherlands based on Sentinel-2 Data
EnMAP - Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program
DESIS - DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer
fCover Sentinel-2 Netherlands
Forest Structure Germany
Geo-ForPy - Forest Cover Paraguayan Chaco
GWP - Global WaterPack
SWIM - Surface Water Inventory and Monitoring (SWIM) Water Extent
GSP - Global SnowPack
IceLines - Ice Shelf and Glacier Front Time Series
Land Cover DE
Sentinel-2 L2A MAJA
Sentinel-2 L3A WASP
Sentinel-5p Tropomi
S-VELD NO2 and PM2.5
TanDEM-X 30m Edited Digital Elevation Model (EDEM)
TanDEM-X 30m DEM Change Maps (DCM)
TanDEM-X 90m DEM
TanDEM-X Forest/Non-Forest Map
TanDEM-X PolarDEM Antarctica
TerraSAR-X Supersites
Tree Canopy Cover Loss - Germany, 2018-2021
UrMo Digital - Traffic Area Map (TAM) - Brunswick, Germany
World Settlement Footprint 2015
World Settlement Footprint 2019
World Settlement Footprint Evolution
World Settlement Footprint 3D
Data Guides
TanDEM-X 30m EDEM and DCM
TanDEM-X 90m DEM
TanDEM-X FNF 50m
Elevation Service Online
Sep 14, 2010
The EOC Elevation Service is online (WMS/WCS).
The Elevation service has been released for internal testing. Currently, this services provides access to a SRTM X-SAR Mosaic generated from DLR's full resolution SRTM X-SAR DTED tiles.
Related Links
WMS Capabilities
WCS Capabilities
Geoserver Project