May 27, 2020
Release of MetOp-C GOME-2 data and restructuring of available MetOp GOME-2 collections
The EOC Geoservice map context "MetOp GOME-2 Daily Total Column Composites" [1] shows composites calculated from daily products of different trace gases and cloud properties measured by the "Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2" (GOME-2) instruments onboard EUMETSAT's MetOp satellite series. The products data stream has now been accomplished by EUMETSAT's MetOp-C satellite unit which was launched in November 2018 and secures the future data flow at least until the year 2025. Please see the according news release [2] for further information.
In addition to the introduction of MetOp-C, the following changes have been performed to the MetOp GOME-2 WMS/WCS services:The new layer names and titles are defined using the following schema:
MetOp-B/C GOME-2:
Layer Title: MetOp-[B/C] GOME-2 L2C Daily [PARAMETER]
MetOp GOME-2 Combined:
Layer Title: MetOp GOME-2 L2C Daily [PARAMETER] Combined
The collections can be visualized in the EOC Geoservice Webapp [1] and accessed via OGC web services [3] [4].