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The TimeScan Landsat product has been released in the EOC Geoservice.

The TimeScan Landsat 2015 layer [1, 2] is a higher-processing level baseline product providing a harmonized representation of the spectral and temporal properties of the land surface. The global TimeScan Landsat 2015 dataset was derived from over 450,000 Landsat-8 images (~500TB) collected from 2013 to 2015. The product condenses the information content of the original images to a 20th of their original size. The TimeScan Landsat 2015 layer can be analyzed in the form of a single, global, cloud-free dataset based on statistical ranges of 6 indices for such aspects as the state of vegetation, water cover, or human settlement (built-up areas). For each of the recorded indices the statistics provide the minimal, maximal and mean values along with the standard deviation and the mean slope determined for the entire period from 2013 to 2015. The TimeScan procedure is designed to help end users exploit information from masses of data that until now were too unwieldy for them to handle.