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We updatet our Sentinel-5P TROPOMI L3 Daily Composites to the the new processor version (UMAS: 4.1.0 processor) and added STAC Collections for every published product.

Since August 1, 2023, the Sentinel-5P L3 datasets are being generated with the new UMAS: 4.1.0 processor. These products are being published via our STAC Catalog endpoint [9]. At current (06.09.2023) these atmospheric trace gases and cloud physical parameters are being produced as Level 3 products: Ozone, Formaldehyde, Sulphur Dioxide, Cloud Fraction, Cloud Optical Thickness and Cloud Top Height. These improved UMAS-4 L3-products are now available in the Web Mapping Service (WMS) [7]. However, "old" products (generated with previous versions of UMAS) are still available in the download service [2]. This applies for data (from January 16, 2022 until July 31, 2023). In the upcoming months all Level 3 products from mission start onwards will be reprocessed with UMAS-4 and published via this platform. For the whole period, additional S5P L3 products will follow soon.