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Atmosphere Service

  • WCS

    EOC Atmosphere Coverage Service

    This Web Coverage Service provides access to atmospheric coverage products within the Earth Observation Center (EOC).

  • WMS

    EOC Atmosphere Map Service

    This Web Mapping Service provides access to geospatial atmospheric products within the Earth Observation Center (EOC).

  • Basemap Service

  • WCS

    EOC Basemap Coverage Service

    This Web Coverage Service provides access to geospatial core coverage products within the Earth Observation Center (EOC).

  • WFS

    EOC Basemap Feature Service

    This Web Feature Service provides access to geospatial core feature products within the Earth Observation Center (EOC).

  • WMS

    EOC Basemap Map Service

    This Web Mapping Service provides access to geospatial core map products within the Earth Observation Center (EOC).

  • Catalogue Service

  • CSW

    EOC Catalogue

    OGC CSW server part of the EOC Geoservice

  • Elevation Service

  • WMS

    EOC Elevation Map Service

    This Web Mapping Service provides access to geospatial elevation map products within the Earth Observation Center (EOC).

  • WCS

    EOC Elevation Coverage Service

    This Web Coverage Service provides access to geospatial elevation coverage products within the Earth Observation Center (EOC).

  • Imagery Service

  • WCS

    EOC Imagery Coverage Service

    This Web Coverage Service provides access to Orthoimagery products within the Earth Observation Center (EOC).

  • WMS

    EOC Imagery Map Service

    This Web Mapping Service provides access to Orthoimagery products within the Earth Observation Center (EOC).

  • Land Service

  • WMS

    EOC Land Map Service

    This Web Map Service provides access to land coverage products within the Earth Observation Center (EOC).

  • Tilecache Service

  • WMTS

    EOC Tile Cache

    No Service Description

  • TMS

    Tile Map Service

    A Tile Map Service served by GeoWebCache

  • Last status update 19 minutes ago.