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The Elevation service has been released for internal testing. Currently, this services provides access to a SRTM X-SAR Mosaic generated from DLR's full resolution SRTM X-SAR DTED tiles.

The Cache service provides access to often requested baselayers (such as BlueMarble and the EOC Basemap). It provides OGC Web Map Tiling Service (WMTS) and the Tile Map Server (TMS) interfaces as implemented by the Geowebcache project. In combination with compliant clients - such NASA World Wind or OpenLayers - this service allows for fast web delivery of pre-rendered datasets. The Cache service uses the Geowebcache implementation.

As of today, the EOC Geoservice of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is online. The Geoservice subdomain hosts geospatial services that provide access to selected datasets archived, processed or hosted at the Earth Observation Center (EOC). The EOC comprises the German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) and the Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF). This webpage provides information about the latest news, changes and status of the services. These news are also published through a RSS news feed.